Restaurant Business Development Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism: Case Study of Niphat Uthit 1 Road, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province


  • Aroonrak Tunpanit
  • Natassawan Thongtang
  • Patcharin Bunnoon
  • Ammonrut Konggachod


Business development approach, Marketing Strategy, Sustainable Tourism


This research aims to 1) study the restaurant business development approach to promote sustainable tourism of Niphat Uthit 1 Road, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. 2) To compare the personal factors of restaurant operators and tourists with guidelines for restaurant business development for sustainable tourism promotion of Niphat Uthit 1 Road, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. The research instrument was a sample questionnaire of 514 people. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation, analysis of variance and t-test. The results of the research revealed that the respondents had opinions about marketing strategies to promote tourism in Hat Yai Street Food at a high level overall. When considered individually, it was found that the respondents had opinions about marketing strategies to promote tourism of Hat Yai Street Food at a high level in all aspects. The respondents had the most opinions on marketing strategies for operating the restaurant business to promote tourism in terms of navigation systems and restaurant maps, followed by environmental aspects, advertising, public relations and the development of street food applications.


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How to Cite

Tunpanit, A. . ., Thongtang, N. ., Bunnoon , P. ., & Konggachod , A. . (2022). Restaurant Business Development Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism: Case Study of Niphat Uthit 1 Road, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 218–233. Retrieved from



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