The Effect of Team Affective Tone on Team Efficiency


  • Waranpong Boonsiritomachai
  • Thidaporn Trongpraween


Team Affective Tone, Team Trust, Team Creativity Team Efficiency


          The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between the relevant impact factors teamwork efficiency using of private companies employees in Bangkok.The sample 400 people. Data was collected by accidental sampling through questionnaires. The statistical analysis methods are percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA analysis of variance, inferential statistics, linear regression analysis were applied as statistical analysis tools.

          Team trust is the most important independent variable that affecting the team efficiency. Therefore, internal management is important. The managers and human resource department should have created harmonious team relationships. This will enable employees to work as a team more efficiently. Sharing skills and ideas in work will create a strong team. Continued to the result is that the team will create great creativity as well. These will have a positive team affective tone that will make the team happy at work and deliver excellent effectiveness.Negative team affective tone even though it is an emotion that is inherent internal person but not related to factors Because a person has emotional quotient to regulate negative emotions and known to be used in work and adapt to society.


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How to Cite

Boonsiritomachai , W. ., & Trongpraween, T. . (2020). The Effect of Team Affective Tone on Team Efficiency. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 12(2), 83–97. retrieved from



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