Structural Equation Model of Chanthaburi Fruit Market’s Integrated Marketing Communication to Increase Business Capability with China as a Trading Partner


  • Paradee Phuengsamran Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications
  • Pnomsit Sonprajuk Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications


Structural equation model, Integrated marketing communication, Chanthaburi fruit market, China as a trading partner


The objectives were to develop the structural equation model of Chanthaburi fruit market’s integrated marketing communication to increase business capability with china as a trading partner. This research was quantitative research. Data were collected by 285 GAP-certified farmers in Chanthaburi. The indices measure the Goodness of Fit evaluation criteria. The findings revealed that the research model was consistent with empirical data. The chi-square/df was 2.24, the RMSEA was 0.06, the GFI was 0.90, the CFI was 0.92, and the NFI was 0.90. Results show that 1) the fruit factor has a direct influence on integrated marketing communication. 2) the fruit factor has a direct influence on the increase of business capability, and an indirect influence with integrated marketing communication as a mediator variable. 3) the intercultural competence is found to have a direct influence on integrated marketing communication. 4) the intercultural competence has direct influence on the increase of business capability. Results show that an indirect influence through a mediator variable of integrated marketing communication to the increase of business capability. Finally, 5) the integrated marketing communication has a direct influence on the increase of business capability.


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How to Cite

Phuengsamran, P., & Sonprajuk, P. . (2023). Structural Equation Model of Chanthaburi Fruit Market’s Integrated Marketing Communication to Increase Business Capability with China as a Trading Partner. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 15(1), 381–400. Retrieved from



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