Attitude and Acceptance to using of Application in Online Learning during the Pandemic of Covid-19 of Students of Bangkok University


  • Bopit Apiwantanagul Computer and Information Management College of Digital Innovation Technology Rangsit University
  • Krishana Chimmanee Computer and Information Management College of Digital Innovation Technology Rangsit University


Attitude, Acceptance, Application, Online Learning in Covid-19, Students of Bangkok University


This research had the objective to study factor influencing attitude in online learning through an application of students of Bangkok University and to study factors affecting acceptance in online learning through application of students of Bangkok University. The sample group used in the research were the total of 400 people. The guidelines in analyzing the data were quantitative research methodology by using a questionnaire as a tool in collecting the data of students in bachelor’s degree of Bangkok University. The statistics in analyzing the data were finding percentage and standard deviation and F-test (ANOVA). The study result was that most of them were female at the age of 18-20 years old studying in bachelor’s degree level, 2nd year, faculty of digital media and movies art and had the income lower than 10,000 baht. Opinion to attitude of using of application in online study of students of Bangkok University in the overall picture was at a high level. The students saw that sharing the display of learning materials would help students to see the overall picture of the studying content very well. This had the highest means. As for opinion to acceptance of using applicants in online studying of students of Bangkok University in the overall picture was at an average level. The students saw that using of applications in online studying enabled students to choose any study place. This had the highest level. The hypothesis test, which was consistent with the objective No 1 and 2 , it was found that students of Bangkok University with different sexes had attitude and acceptance to using of applications in online learning that was not different. As for students of Bangkok University with the age, education level, studying faculty, studying year and monthly income that were different had attitude and acceptance to using of application in online learning that was different.


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How to Cite

Apiwantanagul, B., & Chimmanee, K. . (2024). Attitude and Acceptance to using of Application in Online Learning during the Pandemic of Covid-19 of Students of Bangkok University. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 85–99. Retrieved from



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