Guidelines for Enhancing Self-development of Registered Nurses, Hua-Hin Hospital, Hua-Hin District, Prachup Khiri Khun Province


  • Daungruthai Pongsubkaroon Master of Public Administration, Stamford International University, Hua-Hin Campus
  • Nittaya Sintao Master of Public Administration, Stamford International University, Hua-Hin Campus


Self-Improvement, Professional Nurses, Motivating Factors


The objectives of this study were: (1) the level of professional nurses' self-development in Hua Hin, (2) the motivating factors affecting the self-development of the professional nurses of Hua Hin Hospital, and (3) the guidelines for promoting the self-development of the professional nurses of Hua Hin Hospital. The sample consisted of 138 professional nurses at Hua Hin Hospital and eight key informants. Data were treated and analyzed using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, and Multiple Regression Analysis. Research results: (1) Self-development of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital overall and each aspect. There was a high level of development. (2) Motivational factors for advancement in work and the nature of the work performed. There was a cause-effect relationship with the self-development of professional nurses in Hua Hin Hospital. statistically significant at the 0.001 level, the aspect of acceptance and responsibility was statistically significant at 0.01. (3) Guidelines for promoting self-development of professional nurses found that personnel was encouraged to attend education., Encourage training in the use of innovation and new information technology during work. or self-learning through various media.


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How to Cite

Pongsubkaroon, D. ., & Sintao, N. . (2024). Guidelines for Enhancing Self-development of Registered Nurses, Hua-Hin Hospital, Hua-Hin District, Prachup Khiri Khun Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 137–154. Retrieved from



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