The Conceptual Modelfor Accommodation Standards According to Thailand Tourism Context Towards Preparation Guidelines for Hostel Accommodation Standards


  • Supichet Tong-on
  • Prasopchai Phasunon


Accommodation Standard, Hostel, Thailand


Accommodation in Thailand has played a role in supporting the tourism of both Thai and foreign tourists. Accommodation business is therefore growing rapidly. In addition, the government has support. This causing is increasing number of tourists every year, so the accommodation business has occurred a lot and accommodations that come up will have both standard accommodations and non-standard accommodations. Accommodation in Thailand that has a standard is a hotel, resort, serviced apartments, guest houses, and Long-stay travel. As for accommodations that do not yet have standards and are currently playing a role in tourism is the hostel. The purpose of this academic article is to gather information about tourism accommodations in terms of vacation resorts, Accommodation for long-term tourism tours, The classification of hostel accommodation, the type of hostel according to the accommodation standards for tourism in the context of Thailand and to suggest guidelines for establishing hostel accommodation standards in order to raise the level of international hostel accommodation to be support liberalize service and including being a leader in Southeast Asia in the provision of tourism accommodation. The results of the study showed that Hostel accommodation standards will link the entire hostel industry growth.


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How to Cite

Tong-on, S., & Phasunon, P. . (2022). The Conceptual Modelfor Accommodation Standards According to Thailand Tourism Context Towards Preparation Guidelines for Hostel Accommodation Standards. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(1), 533–546. Retrieved from



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