Comparative Study on The Experiences of the Inclusive and Precise Poverty Alleviation in People’s Republic of China and the Comprehensive and Precise Poverty Alleviation in Thailand


  • Lanthom Jonjoubsong Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Anchali Sombon Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Asok Polbumrung หน่วยบริหารจัดการทุนด้านการพัฒนาระดับพื้นที่
  • Thanomsin Pollap หน่วยบริหารจัดการทุนด้านการพัฒนาระดับพื้นที
  • Ekachai Pinkeaw นักวิชาการอิสระ


Poverty Alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation, Comprehensive and Precise Poverty Alleviation, Poverty redemption model, China Poverty Alleviation


The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has achieved remarkable succeed at eradicating poverty with targeted poverty alleviation approach in 2020. This research project has objective to study on poverty redemption of PRC, to search for the use of science, technology and innovation for poverty redemption of PRC that could be applied to Thai poverty alleviation. Research sites for the study were Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Region with three provinces—Baise, Guilin and Yulin—were purposive sampling as research samples. The results of the study showed that the Targeted Poverty Alleviation of PRC has focused on poor household approval and targeted poverty reduction with comprehensive poverty redemption projects that have been focused on industrial production approach and modern trade and strategy of four lateral party collaboration including government, educational institutes, communities, and private sector, to transfer technologies and innovation to production systems of the poor, to build the capacity of the poor and to push them to value chain.


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How to Cite

Jonjoubsong, L., Sombon, A. ., Polbumrung, . A. ., Pollap, T., & Pinkeaw, E. . (2024). Comparative Study on The Experiences of the Inclusive and Precise Poverty Alleviation in People’s Republic of China and the Comprehensive and Precise Poverty Alleviation in Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 252–271. Retrieved from



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