Intention and Behaviour in Environmental Decision Making of Consumers towards Selecting Food Packaging


  • Puangchompoo Jones Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet Uinversity
  • Nuch Sattachatmongkol Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet Uinversity
  • Naraporn Thammadee Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet Uinversity
  • Nuntawut Kruta Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet Uinversity


Intention and Behaviour in Decision Making, Environmental Decision Making of Consumers, Selecting Food Packaging


This research study involves with food packaging in terms of environmental decisionmaking intentions and the behavior of consumers towards selecting food packaging. To provide information for SMEs to increase the value of their products and to satisfy customers’ needs. This
research is quantitative research. The researcher created the questionnaire based on a literature
review. Purposive sampling technique was used according to the researcher's objectives. Google
form was used to and the questionnaire was sent it through social media groups related to food
ordering. There were 434 completed questionnaires for data analysis. Descriptive statistics were
used to describe the nature of the data. Multiple regression and Pearson correlation were used
to test hypotheses. Awareness of environmental responsibility, opinions about environmental
packaging, psychological factors social values, and surrounding situations that have affected on
intention to use environmental packaging were found to be significant at the 0.05 level. Intention to use environmental packaging has a positive relation to expressive behavior to make decisions using environmental packaging was found to be significant at the 0.05 level.


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How to Cite

Jones, P., Sattachatmongkol, N. ., Thammadee, N. ., & Kruta, N. . (2024). Intention and Behaviour in Environmental Decision Making of Consumers towards Selecting Food Packaging. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 272–293. Retrieved from



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