BCG Economy Model and Community Development towards Sustainability

BCG Economy Model and Community Development towards Sustainability


  • rungrudee rattanawilai The Faculty of Business Administration, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


BCG Economy Model, Community Development towards Sustainability, Development Sustainability


Community development towards sustainability. There needs to be cooperation between the community, the private sector, and government agencies. There is a clear policy and knowledge of science, technology, and innovation to help in development. The BCG economic model is a link between sustainable development and the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in coordinating the development of a strong community economy in a sustainable way. To raise the quality of life of people in the community to be able to live, eat, be modest, have knowledge, be careful, and be aware of the importance of local resources to be able to make the most of them and conserve the environment in response to the National Economic and Social Development Plan No. 13. To aim to drive the country towards becoming a value creating economy Society can move forward sustainably. As an example of community management of the organic farming group. Sanam Chai Khet District Chachoengsao Province and Khao Lek Coffee Community Enterprise Kanchanaburi Province.


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How to Cite

rattanawilai, rungrudee. (2024). BCG Economy Model and Community Development towards Sustainability: BCG Economy Model and Community Development towards Sustainability. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(2), 334–347. Retrieved from



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