Value of Statistical Life through Studying Willingness to Pay


  • Rapee Udomsub School of Engineering, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Witchayut Ngamsaard School of Engineering, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Nanthi Suthikarnnarunai School of Engineering, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce


Value of statistical Life (VSL), Willingness to Pay (WTP), Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)


This research study aims to assess the value of statistical life and examine the factors influencing the willingness to pay for emergency medical services within an 8-minute timeframe, utilizing the Contingent Valuation Method employing the double-bounded dichotomous choice format. Statistical estimation methods, such as Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) with a sample group comprising 400 individuals. The findings reveal that significant factors affecting the willingness to pay within the sample group include household income, occupation, history of emergency accidents, general accidents, and the number of children and elderly dependents within the family. The average willingness to pay for emergency medical services within 8 minutes is determined to be 530.63 Baht per occurrence, with the statistical value of life estimated at approximately 4.2 million Baht per person.


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How to Cite

Udomsub, R., Ngamsaard , W. ., & Suthikarnnarunai, N. . (2024). Value of Statistical Life through Studying Willingness to Pay. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 294–307. Retrieved from



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