A Study of the Current Stage, Problems, and Satisfaction in “Introduction to French Reading” Course for French Major Students, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University

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วนิช พันธุ์ยิ้ม


As the world moves toward 21st century, this creates changes and challenges especially for teachers in all sectors. One of important issues is the skills required in 21st century. Reading skill especially foreign language reading is not only considered as essential skills for 21st century but also fundamental element for other 21st century skills. For this reason, it is essential for educational institutions to transform in order to be able to cope with these changes and challenges. In this paper, the main objective is to study the problems, and satisfactory level of the course “Introduction to French Reading”. The author reviewed various approaches for 21st century teaching and conducted a survey with 48 French major students to explore the current problems, and satisfactory level in the classroom practices. The results on current problems, and satisfactory level and 21st century teaching approaches will be used as a guideline for course improvement and management in the future.


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