The Ability to Write Travel Itinerary in French Using Corpus-based Approach by Tourism Industry and Hospitality Management Students (ความสามารถในการเขียนโปรแกรมการท่องเที่ยวภาษาฝรั่งเศสของนักศึกษาสาขาวิชาการจัดการอุตสาหกรรมการท่องเที่ยว และบริการโดยใช้คลังข้อมูล)

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ดนยา ด่านสวัสดิ์


This research is a part of the study to develop the learning and teaching of French for Tourism. The two objectives are 1) to study the French travel itinerary writing ability of Tourism Industry and Hospitality Management students before and after the learning activities by using a Corpus-based approach and 2) to study the students’ satisfaction of the learning activities.

The population of this research was 50 students, majoring in Tourism Industry and Hospitality Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, who enrolled in French for Tourism Business in the 2017 academic year. The tools applied in this research were a Pre-test form, French itinerary writing exercises, an activity report form, a Post-test form and a satisfaction questionnaire to find out the students’ satisfaction of the learning activities. The data was statistically analyzed by T-test for dependent sample (T-test), mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D.).

The results of the research were as follows: there was a significant difference between the Pre-test and the Post-test at p.05 level of significance and the students’ satisfaction of the learning activities was at highest level.


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