The Development of Basic French Grammar Textbook Applying Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Integrated with Digital Technology

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Kittisak Phomphakdi
Somkiat Intasingh
Natad Assapaporn


The objectives of this research were 1) to create and to find the quality of the basic French grammar textbook applying Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system and digital technology, 2) to study the learning achievement of students after being taught by using the basic French grammar textbook applying Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system and digital technology, and 3) to study the satisfaction of students towards the use of basic French grammar textbook applying Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system and digital technology. The population of this research was 33 Mathayom Suksa 4 students in the academic year of 2019 in Suanboonyopatham Lamphun School. The research tools comprised of the textbook’s quality assessment form, the learning achievement’s test and the questionnaire of students’ satisfaction towards the basic French grammar textbook. The data were analyzed for averages, percentage and standard deviations. The research findings were summarized as follows: 1) The basic French grammar textbook developed by applying Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system integrated with digital technology comprised of 8 lessons. The overall quality was in a “good” level. 2) The learning achievement of students after being taught by using the basic French grammar textbook applying Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system integrated with digital technology was 83.55 percent which passed the expected criterion of 70 percent. And 3) The students were satisfied with the basic French grammar textbook applying Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system integrated with digital technology at the “highest” level.


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