La Disparition by Georges Perec in different languages: A comparative study of problems and solutions in translating the lipogrammatic novel

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Suwanna Dolparadorn


This study aims to compare translations of La Disparition (1969), Georges Perec's lipogrammatic novel written without the letter e, in six different languages, totaling nine versions: four in English, one in Spanish, one in Catalan, one in Croatian, one in Russian, and one in Japanese. This article is divided into two parts. The first part presents theories associated with texts under constraint to examine the untranslatability of literary works and the concept of recreation. The second part delves into problems found and solutions proposed by translators, focusing on three specific topics: different choices of the omitted letter, the metatextual structure of Perec’s novel, and his lipogrammatic citations of six poems. Most translators retain the omission of the letter e as in the original text, while some choose to eliminate another vowel that is the most frequently used in their language. The organization of chapters and parts in the translated versions varies in accordance with the number of letters and vowels in the target language. Regarding citations of famous French poems, two main options arise: either rewriting them in the target language or referencing the great classics of each foreign language.



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