The Use and Gratification of Social Media on Purchase Intention via Customer Brand Engagement of Gen X and Millennials

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Wimmala Pongpaew


 In this study, we apply the theory of uses and gratification to explore the types of motivation or benefit that influence customer engagement with brands in social media environment. Two generations of Thai customers are focused in this study: Generation X (Gen X) and the Millennials (Gen Y) in regard to online communities such as Facebook, LINE, YouTube, and Instagram.  This quantitative research employs SPSS and PLS-SEM software to analyze data. A total of 300 Gen X and 306 Millennial responses were collected and analyzed. The results indicated that information benefits do not influence customer brand engagement (CBE); however, entertainment, social and personal identity and self-disclosure influenced CBE for both generations. Moreover, CBE was also found to have a positive influence on purchase intention. This finding may help marketing managers to design social media online community strategies as well as develop appropriate content for both generations in Thailand.

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Pongpaew, W. (2020). The Use and Gratification of Social Media on Purchase Intention via Customer Brand Engagement of Gen X and Millennials. Executive Journal, 40(2), 34–50. retrieved from
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