Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Capability on the Relationship between Knowledge-oriented Leadership and Organizational Innovativeness in Public Organizations

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Panissara Naowakhoaksorn
Pornlapas Suwannarat
Karun Pratoom
Veeraya Pataraarechachai


The main purpose of this study is to verify the mediating role of knowledge management capability (i.e., accumulation of knowledge stocks and regulation of knowledge flows) in the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and public organizational innovativeness. The data from 784 tax administrative organizations in Thailand were analyzed via structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the posited hypotheses. The results indicated that knowledge-oriented leadership strongly and positively influenced both two components of knowledge management capability. Furthermore, knowledge management capability in the dimension of regulation of knowledge flows positively affected public organizational innovativeness whilst the accumulation of knowledge stocks did not affect. For the mediating effect of knowledge management capability, the findings showed that the regulation of knowledge flows positively mediated the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and organizational innovativeness while the accumulation of knowledge stocks did not mediate the relationship. Also, managerial implication has been provided from the study especially the important role of leadership that stimulates the creating of knowledge stock and knowledge flow for organization.

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How to Cite
Naowakhoaksorn, P., Suwannarat, P., Pratoom, K., & Pataraarechachai, V. (2021). Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Capability on the Relationship between Knowledge-oriented Leadership and Organizational Innovativeness in Public Organizations. Executive Journal, 41(2), 17–36. Retrieved from
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