The Influences of Image and Perceived Value of Virtual Run Event on Participants’ Behavioral Intention: A Case Study of the “Khao Pue Nong 109 Thank You" Virtual Run Project
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This research examined 1) the participants' attitudes toward the virtual running event image, perceived value, and behavioral intention; 2) the direct effect of the virtual running event image on the participants' behavioral intention; and 3) the mediation effect of perceived value in the relationship between the virtual running event image and the participants' behavioral intention. This is a quantitative study. Collect data from running event participants using the questionnaire as a tool. The “Khao Pue Nong 109 Thank You" Virtual Run Project, which included 398 participants, employed a covariance-based structural equation model that included a confirmatory factor analysis and a path analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the virtual running event image has a significant and positive effect on behavioral intentions. When testing the structural equation model between the virtual running event image and behavioral intention with the perceived value as a mediating variable, it was determined that the perceived value served as a full mediator and had the greatest effect on behavioral intentions. Furthermore, organizers of running events may utilize the study's findings to better their events by putting more effort into raising awareness of them and providing greater value. This will help them attract more participants in the future.
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