Citizen Science and Participatory Journalism: The Tools to Empower Civic Environmental Activism

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Matana Charoenwongsa


Integrating citizen science and participatory journalism fosters the development of innovative tools that empower citizens to effectively address emerging challenges. An analysis of environmental definitions and approaches reveals that citizen science and participatory journalism share three fundamental interconnected concepts: 1) fostering citizen participation, 2) promoting democratic processes in knowledge production, and 3) valuing local expertise. This article examines the water crisis in Flint, United States, as a case study to demonstrate how effective integration can influence policy and the public sphere. It further explores the potential of using citizen science and participatory journalism as mechanisms for citizen activism to achieve additional development goals, such as health, environmental justice, and combating discrimination. Moreover, the article outlines practical approaches for integration, as well as the benefits and challenges impacting the sustainability of combining citizen science and participatory journalism.

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How to Cite
Charoenwongsa, M. (2024). Citizen Science and Participatory Journalism: The Tools to Empower Civic Environmental Activism. Executive Journal, 44(1), 57–78. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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