Creative Cultural Tourism: Additional Revenue Activities for Phutai’s Ban Phon Community in Kalasin Province


  • Suchanart Singhapat A Lecturer of Program In Cultural Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kalasin University


Creative Cultural Tourism, Homestay Village, Revenue Activities


This research aimed to investigate activities for creative cultural tourism and homestay for additional revenue in Phutai’s Ban Phon community, Kalasin province. Questionnaire and group discussion was used in qualitative research method. Target groups were 22 stakeholders and 60 tourists collected by purposive sampling methods. The result indicated that the key successful factors in service for cultural tourism and home stay in Phutai’s Ban Phon community Phutai’s Ban Phon community was using marketing mix model (5Ps) for improving tourism satisfaction via learning by doing through creative cultural tourism program and homestay activities with people in the village. These events are not focusing on maximize profit but fair trade for social fairness.



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