Culture, Conflict and Representation
Mahakan Fort, Culture, Development, Representation, Stuart HallAbstract
The Conflict between Mahakan Fort communities and Bangkok Metropilitan seems to be a conflict of the eviction like the other communities such as Sapan Han community but, in fact, the conflict has been from the definition of "culture" that each other holds a different definitions. The conflict is more protracted when linked the essence of culture to the definition of development. From the concept of Stuart Hall found that this conflict stems from the more definitions of culture and definitions try to seize power like fighting in the battlefield. The battle will never end because the hegemonic definition needs to maintain their status. Mahakan Fort community, has no legal authority, have to rely on public, academics, and civil society to define the definition and to establish legitimacy of definition by reflecting the identity of community through media. While Bangkok Metropolitian, has the administrative power, takes action on behalf of the representative and shows good intentions to create Bangkok to be the livable capital, use these to be the representation of “culture” as well.
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