Beauty Pageant and Public Patriarchy


  • Rungnapa Yanyongkasemsuk A Lecturer of Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University
  • Sumit Intawong A Master Student of Master of Arts in Political Science Program in Political Economy and Governance, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University


Beauty Pageant, Public Patriarchy, Miss Thailand Universe


Beauty Pageant is a space that mirrors the social structure which open an opportunity to women and their role in public areas which led to the recognition and praise in women’ qualification, knowledge and abilities. Women feel welcomed widen public area while society has been covered by patriarchy and the equality is not for real. Patriarchy still exists but structures which gave the legitimacy to patriarchy were changed. In the past, structures which supported patriarchy restricted women in the household. New structures in 20th century, liberal economic, consumer culture and communication give opportunities to women to go outside and to work in workplace. Hence, changed structures still force women as inferior via employment, segregation and collection.


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