Uneven development-who are victimized ?: a consideration from the global sociology perspective
There have been a number of macroscopic attempts to explain why uneven development, or global inequality arises. World system theorists, those interested in the new international division of labour and those who write about social marginality resulting from the process of economic globalization have all provided valuable insights. All three cohere on one central insight, namely, that the spread of capitalist social relations can act like the grim reaper, cutting a swathe of death through the agricultural populations and labour forces-in many countries, regions and cities. This negative outcome is likely when the adoption of neoliberal economic practices is disengaged from the nature of society and the form of political governance. The author, in this article, have sought to make these general theories ‘come alive’ by discussing four groups –famine victims, workers in the industrializing countries, peasants and the urban poor.
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