Adaptability of Local Fishing Communities to a Sustainable Natural Resource Management Plan in the Thailand - Cambodia Border: A Case Study of Hatlek Sub-District, Klong Yai District in Trat Province


  • Jutinan Kwunnate
  • Sitang Charenwong
  • Auemporn Rungsiri


Adaptability, Local fishing, Hatlek Sub-District, Thailand - Cambodia Border


The purposes of the research were to study the development and to study the adaptability of local fishing communities to a sustainable natural resource management plan in the Thailand - Cambodia Border: a case study of Hatlek Sub-District, Klong Yai District in Trat Province. The findings showed as follows: 1) there were three eras of the development of local fishing in Hatlek Sub-District, Klong Yai District in Trat, including subsistence production era, expanding commercial fishing era, and adaptable and developing fishing era; 2) the adaptability of local fishing communities to a sustainable natural resource management plan was setting the regulations of participatory fishing, setting participatory management system and showing advantages and disadvantages of using sustainable natural resource to the fishing communities.


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