Political Economy of Super-Marginalization of Karen Ethnicity and Their Reactions to State Power and Capitalist Penetration
Marginalization, Super-marginalization, Conflicts in Forest Management, Karen, State-terrorismAbstract
This article aims to study marginalization of Karen ethnicity in Kaengkrachan National Park. The purposes of this qualitative research are to study the political economy of marginalization of Karen Ethnicity and effects of being marginalized ,which resulted from the state power, capitalist penetration and modern culture, to study reactions of Karen Ethnicity in Kaengkrachan National Park toward forest and land management and to study Ethnic ecology of Karen in Kaengkrachan National Park and in the area around it, in order to find solutions to conflicts in forest and land management. Epistemology standpoint of the researcher is the standpoint of critical political economy which aims to refute the myth for social change. Research methodology is the area-based research for resistance, the researcher stands with the oppressed who have been affected from physical and ideological violence from state power and capitalist by using qualitative research via transdisciplinary political economy. The study shows that Karen in Kaengkhachan is not only marginalized but indeed super-marginalized from many factors, for example, the expansion of the state in resource management which leads to the loss of traditional ways of life i.e., Karen cannot conduct shifting cultivation resulting in the loss of many identities and traditions. In addition to this the resource management of the state leads to severe Human Rights violations toward Karen in Kaengkrachan area including forced evacuation and demolition, intentional community burning and even murder of the leaders of the Karen movement. These are Repressive State Apparatus which have severely affects the Karen. Moreover, the capitalist penetration is one of the main factors which made Karen in Kaengkrachan being super-marginalized. When Karen cannot maintain their traditional ways of live, cannot conduct shifting cultivation which used to be their subsistence economy, they become workers outside their communities or become informal workers under support of a foundation which has a career promotion project, even though such project can partly secure the earning of female Karen but what they have to pay is that they cannot inherit their style of their garment because they have to weave clothes according to the style that market demands. This is marginalization in the direction of inclusion. In addition to this the penetration of world capitalists for mining affect the lives of Karen. Moreover, logging of some companies in accordance with the forest concession policy of the government, which is the main reason of the loss of forest area in Kaengkrachan, which leads to the stigmatization of Karen of deforestation. Such stigmatization and other stigmatization diminish their self-esteem lead them not to show up their identity, so that new culture can assimilate traditional culture easily. However, they have tried to establish a people organization called the Network of Karen for Culture and Environment, who has played a vital role in resurrection of their believes, values, ways of life and identities of Karen and driving public policies to protect their identities, so the proud of believes, values, ways of life and identities gradually resurrect.
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