Land Exclusion under Market Discourse and Negotiating for Land Claims in Nakhon Nayok Province
Land Exclusion, Market Discourse, Nakhon NayokAbstract
During the last two to three decades, the states refer to neoliberal market discourse to serve as a reason for land reform and commoditization in response to the country's economic development. However, by the use of power of the Thai state through policies, development projects and regulations are to control and govern land in the case of Nakhon Nayok Province. It contrasts to the neoliberal principle which was referred by the state. Those people are excluded from their own lands. As a result, to reveal the problems of the use of state power and the over-land market discourse in the case of Nakhon Nayok Province, this article aims to analyze the causes and the results of the state practice and market discourse, including presents how local people counters to claim their own lands.
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