The The State of Internal Colonialization in Vietnam During France’s Colonization in 1885-1939: An Analytical Study Based on Dependency Theory of Andre Gunder Frank


  • Jirayoot Seemung -
  • Bhasrah Boonyarithi


Dependency Theory, French Indochina, Vietnam, Internal Colonialism, Andre Gunder Frank


The purpose of this article is analyzing the process of internal colonization taken place in Vietnam during the colonization of France by applying the theory of dependency as mentioned by Andre Gunder Frank. The internal colonization in Vietnam is the result of the distribution of labour in global level which forces Vietnam facing underdevelopment. Besides, this international labour distribution causes also the unequal development within the country itself, called internal colonization. Regarding Vietnam, this country is affected by the internal distribution of labour causing the emergence of metropoles and satellite cities. The metropoles cities of Vietnam including Hanoi and Saigon are the economic and political centres of the country and the city of French civilization. Meanwhile, the satellite cities are the cities surrounding the metropoles. Their roles are producing goods from the huge plantations, industrial estates, and mines to feed capitalism system as demanded by its metropoles country, France, and the global trades.



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