Pakistan Security Policy and Its Role Towards Terrorism Problem in South Asia
Security Policy, Terrorism, Threat Assessment, PakistanAbstract
Terrorism in Pakistan and the interconnected areas in South Asia is a serious issue with a long historical timeline. As a theater of terror, the Pakistani theater offers a good ground for studying, analyzing, and understanding conflict studies related issues concerning security and its far-reaching effects on the states, civilians, and the multinational organizations through a multidimensional conflict area. Political conflict, religious conflict, and ethnic conflict have framed and led to a form of contentious politics out of the political-institutional framework through violence and terrorism. This article focuses on analyzing and understanding the intersecting factors behind terrorist incidents in Pakistan and various interconnected areas in South Asia. Pakistan’s policy concerns internal and international security at different levels and how it addresses the threats to security and terrorism.
The article deduces that the phenomenon of terrorism occurring in Pakistan and its interconnected areas of South Asia are the results of the intra-state political framework which does not offer opportunities and prospects for the marginalized citizens to participate equally in politics to express their demands and for equal and fair participation. The government of Pakistan wants to both utilize and solve the problems of the rise of terrorism in constructive ways that depend on the context of the situation, which will be beneficial. As an actor who interacts or engages behind the scenes of terrorism or as one who suppresses the terrorism through different mechanisms, in addition, those acts are consistent with the threat assessment based on the neo-classical Realist model.
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