Partnership for Driving SDGs: Theoretical Consideration


  • Somsak Samukkethum Professor, Graduate School of Social Development and Management Strategy, National Institute of Development Administration


Partnership, Sustainable Development Goals, Good Governance, Social Responsibility, Strong Civil Society, Active Citizenship


‘Partnership’ is an important concept because many problems at present are very complex and have extensive impacts. Driving SDGs is a case of using partnership as a key mechanism. This article presents that for implementing this mechanism, it is necessary to create mutual trust between partners through reforming the state to be based on good governance, supporting the business sector to commit social responsibility, and creating strong civil society with active citizenship. These changes can occur under conditions of the democratic rule with check and balance systems. Additionally, it is necessary for disseminating idea of recognizing severe crisis situation as a result of unbalance development and necessity for every partner to collaborate each other for driving to SDGs goals seriously.


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