Development of Forestry Business in Lanna (B.E.1889-1955)


  • Pakdeekul Rattana
  • Phairot Chaimuangchun -
  • Taksina Bunbut


Forestry Business, Lanna, Colony


This article aims to study the development of forestry business in Lanna from the arrival of Western timber companies during 1889-1955. This forestry business was the result of the expansion of power to seek economic benefits from the abundance of natural resources in Southeast Asia by European countries, especially after the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th century, when Western countries competed in expanding their power and demanding more natural resources to meet industrial production that required more raw materials and trade markets, leading to the ideology of Western imperialism and the search for colonies in various territories in the 19th century. As a result, the Western empire extended its influence to Siam and Lanna, especially Lanna, which had abundant forests, which the West was interested in entering to do forestry business. In the beginning, it was done by small-scale Western subordinates who came to contact the Lanna lords directly. However, there were problems in making loose contracts, causing overlapping requests to lease forests, which led to disputes until the West and Siam had to come and solve the problem. Later, an international treaty was made to make forestry business clearer and protect the interests of foreigners. Western forestry companies have been operating forestry business in Lanna for more than half a century, which has created major economic, social, and political changes for Lanna. Siam also used forestry as one of the reasons for annexing Lanna into a single kingdom with Siam and later establishing the modern Thai state.




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