Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Property of Sun-Dried Indian Marsh Fleabane Leaf of Khlongtamru Community, Chonburi

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Khanok-On Amprayn
Anan Piriyaphattarakit
Sukhumaporn Saeng-ngam


A community enterprise of coastal village Khlongtamru, Meuang, Chonburi has been wild-picking Indian Marsh Fleabane (Pluchea indica (L.) Less) naturally distributed in the village for making tea leaf product. Their local wisdom stated that the sun-dried tea leaf could help reducing blood pressure, and detoxifying through sweat and urine. To develop competitive product of Pluchea tea, some basic properties of the tea leaf should be revealed to convince the customers. Thus, an investigation of phytochemicals and antioxidant property of crude extract of the plant was carried out. The results exhibited that the 95% ethanol crude extract contained tannin, coumarins, alkaloids, cardiac glycoside, and steroids. The plant extract showed antioxidant activity presenting as %DPPH free radical inhibition of 116.98 ± 2.18 µg/mL EC50. From the results, it could be briefly summarized that the Indian March Fleabane tea leaf of the Khlongtamru community had sweet herbaceous odor as green tea with antioxidants and some healthy properties including stimulating systole, lowering cholesterol level, and relieving diarrhea. However, overdrinking might lead antinutritional effects and groups of people (children, pregnant and breastfeeding women) should refuse to drink the tea.

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How to Cite
Amprayn, K.-O., Piriyaphattarakit, A., & Saeng-ngam, S. (2019). Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Property of Sun-Dried Indian Marsh Fleabane Leaf of Khlongtamru Community, Chonburi. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 1(1), 5–14. Retrieved from
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