Decision Making Behavior of Membership Masyid Klang Khuan Don Cooperative Ltd., Satun Province

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Songserm Homglin
Nuttchon Choymueang
Ladda Phisalbutra


The objectives of this research were to study 1) personal characteristics of members of Masyid Klang Khuan Don Cooperative Ltd., 2) decision making behavior of members, 3) marketing mix factors influencing purchasing decision of members, 4) the relationships of personal characteristics of members towards the purchasing decision of cooperative, and 5) the relationships of marketing mix factors influencing purchasing decision of members of Masyid Klang Khuan Don Cooperative Ltd.. The population of the study was 884 members of Masyid Klang Khuan Don Cooperative Ltd. on 31 December, 2017. The study was from the sample group of 284 people, which was determined using Yamane formula with the error value of 0.05 with the simple random sampling method. The research instrument in this study was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and Chi-square test. The results of the study showed that 1) personal characteristics of the cooperative’s members were female, married, and with the age between 41-50 years old. They obtained secondary school level/Certificate of Technical Vocation, and were farmers in the profession. The monthly income was between 10,000 – 20,000 Baht. 2) The purchasing decision of the cooperative’s members, mostly chose to buy consumer goods. The reason of purchasing was the variety of goods. The frequency of purchasing was once a week. The expense for each time of purchasing was from 101-500 Baht and the opportunity in purchasing was for family use. 3) Marketing mix factors influencing the cooperative’s members at a high level were products, purchasing channels, pricing, and marketing promotion, respectively. 4) The relation of personal characteristics of the cooperative’s members influencing purchasing decision of cooperative with statistically significant level of 0.05 found out that status, age, education level, and professions were related to the types of good that they purchased.    Profession was related to the purchasing reason. Status and age were related to the purchasing opportunity. Status, level of education, profession and monthly income were related to purchasing expenses. 5) The relation of marketing mix factors influencing purchasing decision of members with statistically significant level of 0.05 found out that the marketing mix factors in every aspect were related to reasons and frequency in purchasing goods. The marketing channel factor was in a relation to the types of good purchased. Pricing, marketing channel, and marketing promotion were related to the purchasing expenses.

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How to Cite
Homglin, S., Choymueang, N., & Phisalbutra, L. (2019). Decision Making Behavior of Membership Masyid Klang Khuan Don Cooperative Ltd., Satun Province. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 1(1), 15–28. Retrieved from
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