Human Resource Development in Agriculture and the 20 Year National Strategy

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Sorachai Bhisalbutra
Piyada Bhisalbutra


Regarding to the readiness for agricultural human resource development under the development strategy to become a digital government, the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan, and the 20 Year National Strategic Plan of Thailand, in general, it could be concluded that the government has the highest level of readiness followed by the private sector. For the farmers, their readiness level was the lowest. The issue in which the government should give their highest priority to was the prevention of natural disaster in agriculture and the enforcement of legislation that would not add obstacles to the agricultural trade. As for the private sector, their priority should be directly given to the establishment of human resource development departments and to increasingly encourage executives and personnel in the agricultural sector to take advantage of government digital information and services. Farmers should put more importance in beneficially using the government information and digital services for their occupation, the participation in data collection, publicizing agricultural information, and the acceptance in the development of agricultural and IT knowledge as well as skills for their careers.

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How to Cite
Bhisalbutra, S., & Bhisalbutra, P. . (2019). Human Resource Development in Agriculture and the 20 Year National Strategy . STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 1(1), 76–85. Retrieved from
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