Extension of Agricultural Rice Markets and Trade between Thailand and China

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Nareerut Seerasan


China is a major rice producer in the world rice trade market and imports a lot of rice from Thailand. There are also Chinese consumers with high incomes that want to consume high quality rice. Thai rice is rice that the Chinese people choose to consume such as Thai jasmine rice, which guarantees better quality and taste and because of the outstanding quality of rice from other countries. In the past three years, China started to increase rice imports. Thai rice exports to China have a long history. As the economic growth of China increased, the rice trade between Thailand and China grew. Thai rice exports to China are increasing. Therefore, marketing research and surveying of rice products in the Beijing market, and then analyze the Chinese rice market that affects rice imports from Thailand will lead to the promotion of cooperation in the Thai and Chinese rice market.

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How to Cite
Seerasan, N. (2019). Extension of Agricultural Rice Markets and Trade between Thailand and China. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 1(1), 86–95. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/stouagjournal/article/view/246569
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