Development of Farmer and Farmer Organization to Smart Farmer and Smart Group

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Chatsinee Hankittichai
Chartree Boonnak


Farmer is a key factor for developing smart farmer and smart groups. Group process and networking should be used as development mechanisms following sufficiency economy philosophy and emphasizing the participation of farmers in thinking, working and sharing benefits to bring about farmer’s self-reliance and group network in harmony with environmental balance. Community development should be a continuous and step by step process by applying knowledge, wisdom and natural resources based on morals, integrity, diligence, generosity, as well as wise decision making and living. Agricultural extension workers are learning facilitators supported by government sectors. There are six promoting targets including, farmers, young farmers, agricultural occupation promotion groups, farm women groups, farm youth group and farmer volunteers. The goal is to promote farmers to be smart farmers and farmer organizations to be smart groups resulting in professional entrepreneurs who are capable of agricultural production, marketing and organization management. This will strengthen farmers and farmer organizations as well as building their wellbeing, honor, dignity and pride which are key mechanisms moving agricultural sector in future.

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How to Cite
Hankittichai , C. ., & Boonnak, C. . (2020). Development of Farmer and Farmer Organization to Smart Farmer and Smart Group. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 2(1), 97–108. Retrieved from
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