Development of Thai Agricultural Market through Cooperatives System into Fair Trade

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Warachai Singharerk


This article aims to point out the development of agricultural markets through cooperative systems for fair trade. It will be discussed: 1) agricultural market, 2) factors affecting agricultural market, 3) Problems of the agricultural market system which faced problems of production and affect the stability of income and quality of life of farmers, 4) Developing agricultural markets through the cooperative system, and increasing the competitiveness of cooperatives in sustainable agriculture, and 5) fair trade situation, which contains fair trade product standards, opportunities for Thai entrepreneurs in the fair trade market. In particular, it proposes a framework for developing agricultural markets through a cooperative system for fair trade. Provide comments and suggestions to guide the development of agricultural markets through the cooperative system, and to increase the sustainable competitiveness of cooperatives.

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How to Cite
Singharerk, W. . (2020). Development of Thai Agricultural Market through Cooperatives System into Fair Trade. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 2(1), 109–125. Retrieved from
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