Study on Optimum Planting Space of Dog’s Tail Grass (Setaria spp.) Produced for Dried Flower Production

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Buntarika Nuntha
Nutcharat Balla
Wimon Punsupa
Mingmit Ngamdaeng
Benya Manochai
Valerie Suwanseree
Thunya Taychasinpitak


Dried flower is a product of Thai Royal Project Foundation. Some of raw materials used are grasses collected from nature which more scarce by the time. Therefore, growing those grasses for dried flower should be conducted and studied. The objective of this research was to study for optimum planting space of Dog’s Tail grass for dried flower production. The experiment was conducted through Randomized Complete Block Design (RBD) consisted of 4 treatments with 3 replications. Treatments were 4 planting spaces, i.e. 20×30, 30×30, 30x40 and 30x50 centimetre. The results showed that planting spaces that provide high yield were 30×30 and 30x40 centimetre of which fresh weight were 414.58 kg/rai and 346.64 kg/rai, dried weight were 152 kg/rai and 145.8 kg/rai, respectively. According to customer’s and the specialist interview flower quality was suitable for commercial use. Overall, optimum planting space for Dog’s Tail grass production is 30x40 centimetre according to planting space was not to close and the yield was not significant between planting space 30×30 and 30x40 centimetre.

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How to Cite
Nuntha, B., Balla, N., Punsupa, W., Ngamdaeng, M., Manochai, B., Suwanseree, V., & Taychasinpitak, T. (2021). Study on Optimum Planting Space of Dog’s Tail Grass (Setaria spp.) Produced for Dried Flower Production. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 3(1), 24–30. retrieved from
Research Articles


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