Information Technology Usage for Economic Crop Production of Farmers

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Sineenuch Khrutmuang Sanserm
Paranee Tangwiwat
Benchamas Yooprasert
Bumpen Keowan
Narat Rattanacharoern


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the socio-economic conditions; 2) the exposure to news; 3) the information technology usage; 4) characteristics of appropriate information technology which farmer can apply in economic crops production; and 5) problems and suggestions for using information technology for applying in economic crops production. This was a survey research. The study population was economic crop farmers who participated in the production projects including 220 farmers in rice production, 300 farmers in sugarcane production, 200 farmers in cassava production, and 370 farmers in oil palm production. A sample size of 122, 106, 102, and 132, respectively, was determined using the Taro Yamane formula with the error value of 0.07. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics. The results showed that 1) most of the sample farmers were male with the average age of 49.84 and completed primary school education. They used radio and television and cell phone. 2) They were exposed to news and information through agricultural extension officials, neighbors, activity media, and printed media, 3) had the objective of using information technology for increasing their knowledge and receiving useful information. They noted that information technology is very useful and keep them up to date, make learning easier, helps to make decisions about production, easy to communicate and networking, 4) Most farmers strongly agreed in the characteristics of appropriate information technology including  quickly and easily access to information, content in line with demand, providing useful information about agricultural production and marketing, providing accurate and consistent with reality, 5) The problems found in this research are the fact that they are unable to apply information technology in learning for production. Also, the existing equipment is out of date.

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How to Cite
Khrutmuang Sanserm, S., Tangwiwat, P., Yooprasert, B., Keowan, B., & Rattanacharoern, N. (2021). Information Technology Usage for Economic Crop Production of Farmers. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 3(1), 31–44. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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