The Operation of Wat Rang Sit Ban Munkong Community Housing Cooperative Limited, Pathum Thani Province

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Wuttinun Meesiripattarakul
Siriluck Namwong*


The research objectives were to study 1) the operational conditions, 2) needs of members in the operation, 3) problems and suggestions in the operation and 4) operational guidelines of Wat Rang Sit Ban Munkong Community Housing Cooperative Limited, Pathum Thani province. 

The population of this study were 1) 30 operational committees, auditor and leading members.  The sample group was the entire population. The data was obtained through brainstorming and content analysis. 2) 326 members of Wat Rang Sit Ban Munkong Community Housing Cooperative Limited, Pathum Thani province on 11th March, 2020. The sample group of 180 people by using Taro Yamane formula at a tolerance level of 0.05 and by using simple sampling. Tool used in this study was questionnaires. Data was analyzed using statistics such as frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. 

The results of the study found that 1) the operational conditions has (1) strength in their operational committees as they were honest and sacrifice. (2) Their weakness included the fact that the committees lacked the knowledge about law, regulations, and measures of the cooperative. (3) Opportunity in the governmental policy which supported the funding. (4) The threat was the policy to support cooperatives lacks continuity. 2) The needs of the members of the cooperative include emergency loan, a special saving deposit account, selling dry and canned food products, and coin-operated washing machines. 3) Problems and suggestions for the operation would be security service and membership base expansion and 4) operational guidelines (1) proactive strategy was set guidelines for management in accordance with the potential of cooperatives. (2) Solution strategy was using technology as a channel for knowledge.(3) Defensive strategy was make a strategic plan for the cooperatives and (4) preventative strategy was increase businesses that would decrease the cost of living of the members. 

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How to Cite
Meesiripattarakul , W., & Namwong*, S. (2022). The Operation of Wat Rang Sit Ban Munkong Community Housing Cooperative Limited, Pathum Thani Province . STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 4(1), 22–32. retrieved from
Research Articles


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