Community Lessons of Water-related Disaster and Water Resources Management in Lam Prada Subdistrict Administrative Organization Phichit Province

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Parichart Dittakit
Sajja Banjongsiri
Junya Singkham
Pakorn Dittakit


This research aims to study disaster management and community water resource management and success factors analysis for disaster management and community water resource management. There was the qualitative research with the population and sample who were the people under the water resource management area and participated with the project. Sample designation were used a specific sample selection from a representative of community leaders, stakeholders in water resource management, the officials from the Department of Water Resource and officials from various government department involved 10 persons. The research tool was an in-depth interview on community context and disaster management and community water resource management. Data analysis was used group classification and cause and effect studies. It found that Lam Prada sub-district, Bang Mun Nak district, Phichit province was a downstream area of Nan river. This area was upland and flooded area, confronted with flooded and drought problem. There were a community organization together with Subdistrict Administrative Organization established as a group of water users participate in the preparation of the plan, operations, controls and benefit. The structural tools were village water supply, farm ponds and mortar canals (concrete). Social tools were an estimation of water content each season and year.  Economic tools were the collecting tap water bill and the configuration uses water for agriculture. Success factors composed of internal factors including leaders, member, expertise, skill, local wisdom, the structure of groups and communities related to water resources, characteristics of water resources management, determine local and community direction and policies, water resources management system and the values with beliefs of water resource management. External factors composed of policies, strategies, government and local rules, economic and social conditions and related technologies.

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How to Cite
Dittakit, P., Banjongsiri, S., Singkham, J., & Dittakit, P. (2022). Community Lessons of Water-related Disaster and Water Resources Management in Lam Prada Subdistrict Administrative Organization Phichit Province. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 4(2), 49–60. Retrieved from
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