Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park Management Plan, Bueng Sam Phan District, Phetchabun Province

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Natthanitcha Charukitphong
Sutida Maneeanakekul
Aingorn Chaiyes


            Research on Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park Management Plan, Bueng Sam Phan District, Phetchabun Province aims 1) to study the level of community opinion towards Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park management, 2) to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the current Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park management, and 3) to formulate a plan to manage Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park. This research is mixed method research; the population used in the quantitative research was the residents of Sap Samo Thot Sub-District and Sap Mai Daeng Sub-District, Bueng Sam Phan District, Phetchabun Province in 8 villages with a total of 5,136 people. The sample size was determined by using Taro Yamane's computational formula. A sample size of 371 people was obtained, and then a simple random sampling was drawn by drawing lots according to the population proportions of each village to obtain the number of samples. The sample was then carried out using a questionnaire. The obtained results were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The qualitative research which was managed by conducting a Focus Group Discussion of 15 stakeholders to jointly analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park Management and management guidelines for future sustainability. The results were analyzed for strategic positions and prepared TOWS matrix to synthesize the future Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park management plans.

            The results of the research were found that 1) most of the representative were male, aged over 45 years, graduating from primary school, engaging in agriculture, earning an average monthly income of less than 10,000 baht, and residing in villages which are 6-10 kilometers away from the forest park. Most of the representative had a high level of understanding of the forest park and its management and were satisfied with the present management at a high level but participated in the management at a low level. 2) The results of the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the current Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park management revealed that there are 5 strengths, 5 weaknesses, 4 opportunities, and 4 threats. From the analysis of the strategic position, it was found that it is in an accelerated development strategy or a remedial strategy, that is, a strategy must be formulated to mitigate weaknesses and seek opportunities to create advantages from existing opportunities. 3) The management plan for Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park. It consists of five strategies: conservation and management of natural resources, education and research, resources in recreation areas, and the interpretation of public participation promotion and management, with 31 strategies within the aforementioned strategies. All action plans are consistent with national park management policies established by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation.

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How to Cite
Charukitphong, N., Maneeanakekul, S., & Chaiyes, A. (2023). Bueng Sam Phan Forest Park Management Plan, Bueng Sam Phan District, Phetchabun Province. STOU Journal of Agriculture (Online), 5(2), 38–50. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/stouagjournal/article/view/271163
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