Potential of Elderly Farmers for Agricultural Home Economics Extension
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) general information 2) Tacit knowledge 3) potential of elderly farmers 4) potential of elderly farmers for extension of agricultural home economics. This research was qualitative research.Using purposive sampling method from elderly farmers participants of the agricultural home economics extension project with 1 provincial representative from each region and 10 people from each of the 6 provinces, totaling of 60 people through interview, observation and focus group Data were analyzed by using content analysis.Results of the research revealed that 1) most of the elderly farmers were female. Some worked in agriculture after their retirement from full-time jobs and some had always worked in the agricultural field.They adopted integrated agriculture, grew various types of plants, raised animal, and grew home-grown vegetable. The agricultural areas were not large. Most of them worked on agriculture for household consumption, distributed to neighbors, and helped to increase additional revenue without accounting creation. They performed traditional way of agriculture mixed with labor-saving machines. 2) The Tacit knowledge adopted for activities outside the agricultural work such as handicraft, agricultural product processing etc. Some came from personal talents such as local cuisine cooking, Thai dessert cooking, agricultural product processing, handmade work, and handicrafts.They were creative and created handicraft work or hand-made such as woven, Batik, knitting , basketry, herbal formula for local herbs, agricultural product, food recipes etc. They were appreciate to transfer the knowledge to others and willingly participated and volunteers in the community activities 3) Potential according to 5 aspects were as follow:(1) motivation, they need to reduce household expenses, to use the land to yield the benefits, to inherit from ancestors, and to operate according to sustainable economy ; (2) Characteristics, they did not afraid to encounter the problems, think positively, and accept changes; (3) Self-concept, they were opened to receive information, ready to have self-development, cooperate and ready for sharing with community; (4) Knowledge, they had knowledge within themselves. They received additional knowledge from media surrounding them or from officers of the government agencies to improve themselves and add more value without having to depend on other people and; (5) Skills, basic skills which inherited from their ancestors by being able to use basic agricultural equipment along with plant reproduction.4)Tacit knowledge and potential of elderly farmers were valuable in both approach and practice.The agricultural home economics extension should apply the process of Knowledge Management in the community to further and continue the knowledge to the next generation.
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