Factors of Good Governance Scores and Accounting Performance Affecting the P/E Ratio for Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Good corporate governance scores, accounting performance, P/E RatioAbstract
The objective of this research is to study the factors of good governance scores and accounting performance affecting the P/E Ratio for listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The research methodology is multiple regression analysis for the data analysis. The accounting performance is tested as the mediator variable according to Baron & Kenny's concept (1986) by using the sample group consisting of the listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand from 2012-2016. The data used in the study are a total of 1,710 data. The results of the study conclude that the factors of good governance scores have positive influence on the price-to-earnings ratio. For testing the mediator variables, it is found that the accounting performance is not the mediator variable between the good corporate governance scores and price-to-earnings ratio at the statistical significance level of 0.05.