Key Factors Affecting Product Awareness and Purchase Decision: A Study on Green Marketing and Consumer Attitudes in Green-Based City


  • Ampol Chayomchai Faculty of Management Science, Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Thailand


Product Awareness, Purchase Decision, Green Marketing, Consumer Attitudes, Green-Based City


The research aimed to investigate the key factors affecting green product awareness and purchase decisions in green or eco-friendly products. The researched population was green consumers or people who purchased green products in Phetchabun province, Thailand. The author randomized three districts of this province for data collection. The purposive sampling method was performed in targeted areas. A total of 450 usable questionnaires were analyzed in this study. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis with the stepwise method have been employed. The results found that (1) all key factors of the study were at high level to reflect the alignment of consumers’ opinions with the factors, (2) four key factors including green promotion, environment concern, green purchase attitudes, and reference groups had a positive and significant influence on consumers’ green product awareness, (3) green product attributes and green product attitudes had a positive effect on consumers’ purchase decision, and (4) consumers’ green product awareness had positive significant influence on their purchase decision. The research suggests that business managers and marketers should focus on the five key factors including green product, green promotion, environment concern, green purchase attitudes, and reference groups for improving both the consumers’ green product awareness and their purchase decision.




How to Cite

Chayomchai, A. (2019). Key Factors Affecting Product Awareness and Purchase Decision: A Study on Green Marketing and Consumer Attitudes in Green-Based City. Asian Administration and Management Review, 2(2), 10–22. retrieved from