The Relationship between Work Safety Knowledge and Work Safety Behavior of Manufacturing Workers in Rubber Wood Industry


  • Charinee Jaiuea Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
  • Suwit Chanpetch Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand


Safety Knowledge, Safety Behavior, Rubber Wood Industry


The study of work safety knowledge and work safety behavior of manufacturing workers in Rubber Wood Industry was the survey research. The objectives of this research were to study work safety knowledge and work safety behavior of manufacturing workers in Rubber Wood Industry and to study the relationship of work safety knowledge and work safety behavior of manufacturing workers in Rubber Wood Industry. The samples group of this research were 440 manufacturing workers from 89 Rubber Wood factories. The data were collected by the questionnaires and the researchers analyzed the statistic by using descriptive statistic which included frequency, percentage, mean and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The study found that most of the respondents were males with Diploma degree or higher, married and live together with less than 5 years work experience. Most of them work as manufacturing workers in Rubber Wood drying factories located in Trang province. The result showed that work safety knowledge is related to work safety behavior at .05 level of significance. Therefore, the appropriate safety knowledge should be promote among workers as well as work safety training and continuous evaluation to change their behavior towards work safety in Rubber Wood industry and to reduce accidental and future loss.




How to Cite

Jaiuea, C., & Chanpetch, S. (2019). The Relationship between Work Safety Knowledge and Work Safety Behavior of Manufacturing Workers in Rubber Wood Industry. Asian Administration and Management Review, 2(2), 56–61. retrieved from