Human Resource Management Practices Affecting Employee Retention Using Interpretive Structural Modelling Technique


  • Thariga Pholloke Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Krittapha Saenchaiyathon Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Parisa Rungruang College of Management, Mahidol University, Thailand


Interpretive Structural Modelling, Human Resource Management Practices, Employee Retention


The study examined the relationships between the factors of human resource management practice relating to employee retention of the manufacturing industry in Thailand. The model was developed utilizing interpretive structural modelling technique. Data were collected with an interview using the Delphi method from the eight experts from academia and industry. The remarkableness of this paper is a new finding of the high significance of clear job description. It has a substantial power on employee retention, job engagement, and organizational citizenship behavior. The findings of the study will be beneficial to practitioners on how to improve and develop human resource management in an organization and effective strategies to improve employee retention.




How to Cite

Pholloke, T., Saenchaiyathon, K., & Rungruang, P. (2019). Human Resource Management Practices Affecting Employee Retention Using Interpretive Structural Modelling Technique. Asian Administration and Management Review, 2(2), 62–74. retrieved from