Service Innovation Quality: A Winning Heart Share Strategy to Service Entrepreneurial Success


  • Natprapas Ritwatthanavanich Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Thailand


Service Innovation, Service Quality, Winning Strategy, Service Entrepreneurial Success


The purpose of this paper is to explore the associate between service innovation and service quality with specific emphasis to 4D model. Design methodology approach is based on overview of literature and models that are related to the concepts of service innovation and service quality, including confirm the purpose of this research. Preliminary findings of the study unveiled that a service entrepreneurship's ability to achieve winning the heart share is depend on 4D model that related to mind share, market share and heart share. Originality value of this literature review is a starting point for research in the topic area. The researcher used to assimilates all body of knowledge in service innovation quality and service entrepreneurial success with the critical review and synthesis literature in service innovation quality.




How to Cite

Ritwatthanavanich, N. (2019). Service Innovation Quality: A Winning Heart Share Strategy to Service Entrepreneurial Success. Asian Administration and Management Review, 2(2), 160–172. retrieved from