The Impact of Electronic Service Quality Management on Organization Success of Hotels Businesses in Bangkok


  • Nattapat Samuthjinda Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Karun Pratoom Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Veeraya Pataraarechachai Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


Electronic Service Quality Management, Organization Success, Hotel Business


The objective of this research was to test the relationship and impact between electronic service quality management and the organization success of the hotel businesses in Bangkok. The researcher defined the population as the marketing executives of 418 hotels in Bangkok. The researcher used the random sampling method. The data collection was conducted with questionnaires from 5th November 2021-5th February 2022. 262 questionnaires were returned representing the response rate of 62.68%. The researcher analyzed the data by testing F (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The research results revealed that 1) electronic service quality management in the information reliability aspect had positive relationship and impact on the overall organization success, 2) electronic service quality management in the accessibility aspect had positive relationship and impact on the overall organization success, 3) electronic service quality management in the aspect of ease of use in all channels had positive relationship and impact on the overall organization success, 4) electronic service quality management in the aspect of real time-internet of things had positive relationship and impact on the overall organization success, and 5) electronic service quality management in the security aspect had positive relationship and impact on the overall organization success.




How to Cite

Samuthjinda, N., Pratoom, K., & Pataraarechachai, V. (2022). The Impact of Electronic Service Quality Management on Organization Success of Hotels Businesses in Bangkok. Asian Administration and Management Review, 5(1), 41–51. retrieved from