Green Entrepreneurial Orientation, Green Intellectual Capital, Green Supply Chain Management, Sustainable PerformanceAbstract
Based on the natural resource perspective and stakeholder theory, this study aims to investigate the mediating roles of green entrepreneurial orientation (GEO) on sustainable performance (SuP) in green intellectual capital (GIC) and green supply chain management (GSCM). This study is based on a survey of 516 Chinese manufacturing executives. As a methodological procedure, partial least squares structural equation modeling is used to test all hypothesized relationships. The results indicate that GEO has a positive impact on sustainable performance in the Chinese manufacturing industry and significantly influences sustainable performance through sustainable supply chain management and green intellectual capital. This study provides new empirical evidence that validates the mediating role of green intellectual capital and green supply chain management between green entrepreneurial orientation and sustainable performance. The implementation of a green entrepreneurial orientation in enterprises encourages environmental awareness and proactive actions within the organization, thereby promoting the development of green intellectual capital and green supply chain management, thus positively impacting sustainable performance. Developing a research model that provides managers insights to formulate strategies and useful perspectives to improve corporate sustainable performance.
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