
  • Yue HUANG Graduate School, Stamford International University, Thailand
  • Chanchai BUNCHAPATTANASAKDA Graduate School, Stamford International University, Thailand
  • Lu SUO Graduate School, Stamford International University, Thailand
  • Boonyaporn Boonmek Stamford International University



Consumer Engagement, Purchase Intention, Social Media Marketing


This study establishes a model of users' purchase intention in the context of social media marketing based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory. It explores the effects of the five dimensions of social media marketing: entertainment, customization, interactivity, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and trendiness on the three different levels of user engagement: consumption-based participation, contribution-based participation and creation-based participation. Using an online survey with convenience sampling approach, the study collects data from 469 Chinese adults’ consumers who are experienced Weibo social-media users. Structural equation modelling was used to test the links between social-media-marketing elements, consumer engagement and purchase intention. The results show that, first, interactivity and eWOM have significant positive effects on the three dimensions of user engagement, but entertainment, customization, and trendiness only have significant positive effects on consumption-based participation, contribution-based participation, and not on creation-based participation. Furthermore, both consumption-based participation and contribution-based participation have a significant positive effect on purchase intention, while creation-based participation has a non-significant effect. This research not only enriches theoretically the relationship between social media marketing, consumer engagement, and purchase intention, but also provides guidance for brand enterprise to improve their social media marketing in practice.


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