Marketing Mix Factors, Thai Tourists, International Tour PackagesAbstract
This research aims to 1) study the travel behavior of Thai tourists influencing their decisions to purchase international travel packages, and 2) analyze marketing factors that influence Thai tourists' decisions to buy international travel packages. It is a mixed-methods study with a population of Thai tourists aged 20 and above who have previously purchased international travel packages, totaling 385 respondents. Convenient sampling and online questionnaire distribution methods were used, with an IOC of 0.97 and a reliability coefficient of 0.945 for data analysis. Statistical methods employed include descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics like t-test, ANOVA, regression analysis, correlation analysis, and component analysis. Qualitative research utilized purposive sampling of 9 key informants who are executives or business owners of leading travel companies in Thailand, analyzed through content analysis. Findings reveal that 1) most tourists are female, aged 31-40 years, with education below a bachelor's degree and a monthly income of 30,001-40,000 THB. Tourists prioritize information search and comparison before making decisions, with word of mouth playing a significant role, while advertising and publicity have minimal impact. 2) Significant factors influencing purchase decisions include physical evidence, place, price, people, and creating positive experiences, comprehensive information provision, and promotion of word of mouth, enhancing the likelihood of Thai tourists' decisions to purchase international travel packages effectively.
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